26 September 2011


Hey, Friend. I know you're hurting......please, how can I help you?  I care about you. It isn't your burden, my dear. We've talked about this. Back then....in those dreary gray days, when we didn't know how it all was going to turn out.  Give it to Him. Please, don't go at this alone. You are precious and honored by your Abba God. You are so good at putting up walls...and I fear I am not good enough at breaking them down. What can I do for you?  I'm more than willing. Even if you just need to talk. Are you willing to trust me?  I'm praying for clarity, and peace for the both of us. Peace for you, and that you would know how loved you are. What else can I ask our great and mighty God to do for you?

Much Love:)

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