My One Thousand Gifts

I follow Ann Voskamps blog and her idea of One Thousand Gifts has resonated with me. So here is my own list, to be added to daily. I may not add every day, but I will be writing every day, and it will be added eventually. What are your One Thousand Gifts?

  1. God
  2. Rain
  3. Birds
  4. Music
  5. Euchristo
  6. Peace
  7. Family
  8. Love
  9. Dancing
  10. Horses
  11. Joy
  12. Dresses
  13. Little Girls
  14. A Warm Bed
  15. The Mountains
  16. The Sound
  17. Boating
  18. Hard Work
  19. Breathing
  20. Smiles
  21. Switchoot
  22. Latin
  23. Fly
  24. Books
  25. No Fear in Him
  26. Hope that rises like the sun
  27. Horses
  28. Travel
  29. Parties
  30. Birthdays
  31. RED
  32. No condemnation.
  33. Practice
  34. Beauty
  35. Islands
  36. Love for those who hate
  37. Communion with the Living God
  38. Water Polo
  39. Ruth
  40. Dear Friends
  41. Loyalty
  42. Sailfish
  43. Thunderducks
  44. Swim meets
  45. a forgiving God
  46. Running
  47. Lungs
  48. Compassion
  49. awana
  50. Small group
  51. friends around the world
  52. The Dominican Republic
  53. Leaders
  54. 29.9 50 free
  55. 1:13.11 100 free
  56. Church
  57. Frost on the grass
  58. broomball
  59. Doubts
  60. Reasoning
  61. The girls that make me laugh (you know who you are)
  62. Coffee
  63. Proair
  64. Prednisone kicking in
  65. The innocence of a baby
  66. acceptance of this time
  67. Waiting for betterness
  68. Him holding me
  69. Him crying with me and holding those tears in His nail scarred hand
  70. Warm scarves
  71. what Wondrous Love is this O my soul!
  72. It's coming.
  73. Messy relationships
  74. the laughter
  75. You who are our glory and our joy.
  76. joy, itself.
  77. I probably already said Switchfoot, but I'm saying it again!
  78. The whole glittery, frosty world outside.
  79. Youth group retreats
  80. Snow!
  81. Gentlemen( Long story, but the boys on the retreat I just went on were out of character gentlemanly{Bad grammar, sorry}, probably had something to do with some conversation our youth pastor had with them) :)
  82. Tubing
  83. This day of waiting
  84. the Gift
  85. fat snowman cookies
  86. way too much food
  87. Pie
  88. Family
  89. Christmas dinner :)
  90. Cheesy potatoes (Mrs. Hyde, yours truly are the best!)
  91. Good music
  92. Warm wood stove
  93. Toast
  94. Fun with friends
  95. A warm latte
  96. Italian sodas
  97. lime
  98. You Called and You shouted, broke through my deafness
  99. You flashed and You shone, dispelled all my blindness.
  100. Visiting grandparents
  101. Red dirt
  102. Flying
  103. The deep blue sky
  104. First glimpse of the mountains on my way home
  105. flying over gold
  106. Frozen yogurt
  107. The snow outside my window!
  108. How all the trees are green and white
  109. Warm pools
  110. loose old jeans(so comfy!)
  111. Fat snowflakes
  112. Good books
  113. Wood stoves
  114. Breathing the whole meet
  115. Being home
  116. Joy
  117. What I've Done by Linkin Park
  118. hard workouts
  119. Trading camping stories for an hour
  120. Synthetic vs. Down which can be quite the toss-up
  121. boys becoming men who still can't figure out how to speak about emotion
  122. lamp glow on the honey-wood ceiling
  123. Being so tiered
  124. Warm soothing water
  125. six of us squishing onto the couch to talk about God
  126. 400 IMs!!!!! LOVE IT ALWAYS
  127. how do you say you're sorry for just standing there, for what you didn''t do instead of did?
  128. Binomial code in math
  129. them singing the B-I-B-L-E
  130. Burning love
  131. Wind
  132. Us all sitting on the couch
  133. Sighing dog downstairs
  134. Heritage
  135. Sunny warm days
  136. rainy cold ones.
  137. By your side
  138. funny thoughts.
  139. swim meet pictures
  140. Oh, you guys
  141. singing happy birthday to him
  142. all the fun
  143. sunburn
  144. No fear
  145. Peace
  146. dancing
  147. makeing her a card for fun
  148. STATE!!!!!!
  149. Swimming trips