08 November 2013


FMF :)

The lies say I am not enough.

Truth says I am more than enough.

They say I am too much.

Truth says I am just right.

They say that He's holding out on me, echoing Eden.

Truth says that He heaps blessing upon blessing.

Over the storm,
the listening gets hard.
Lies come thundering in,
louder and louder and louder,
and I am afraid.

Truth blazes loud,
and I know.

 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free
John 8:32




  1. Believe the truth, skip the lies and naysayers. Thank you for writing and sharing scripture.

  2. Encouraging to read your words. I work with teens and so many of them don't have this confidence - the confidence of who they are in Christ. Thx for writing! an FMF neighbor.
