The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it
John 1:5.
It seems the hard comes in waves.
One week, it's okay,
we're doing well, and it's good.
The next week...
well, the next few weeks,
everything falls apart.
These past two, two and a half weeks?
They've been of the falling apart sort.
That sucks.
I'm surviving, getting through pretty well,
just taking it one day at a time.
My immediate family is in this place of uncertainty with one situation at the moment,
but we're making it work.
All of this?
This is not how it should be.
But God is in control.
And it's Holy week,
my favorite church holiday,
but church focused on death,
for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday,
it's going to be hard this week.
You know when you have a raw spot,
and it gets rubbed again,
and finally starts to bleed?
I'm hoping it's not going to be like that,
in all honesty.
It's so important to remember the sacrifice,
remember the pain of the breaking.
In the darkness,
the light becomes all the brighter.
Maybe, then, it's appropriate to have all the broken here during Lent, Holy week.
The thing about leaving Good Friday service in the dark,
and in the silence,
is that we know that Sunday will dawn,
light will break forth,
and the light of Christ will fill all the empty spaces.
We will hear His voice say
“Don’t be afraid"
Easter will come.
The Resurrection happened.
The tomb is empty,
dawn is here,
He is risen,
death is conquered forever.
There is life after death.
There is joy,
because of the victory.
There is
and that,
my friends, is what I hold onto today.
He is here.
He's a living God,
who loves us.
All is grace.
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