23 March 2013


If He had brought us out from Egypt, and had not carried out judgments against them
If He had carried out judgments against them, and not against their idols
If He had destroyed their idols, and had not smitten their first-born
If He had smitten their first-born, and had not given us their wealth
If He had given us their wealth, and had not split the sea for us
If He had split the sea for us, and had not taken us through it on dry land
If He had taken us through the sea on dry land, and had not drowned our oppressors in it
If He had drowned our oppressors in it, and had not supplied our needs in the desert for forty years Dayenu
If He had supplied our needs in the desert for forty years, and had not fed us the manna
If He had fed us the manna, and had not given us the Shabbat
If He had given us the Shabbat, and had not brought us before Mount Sinai
If He had brought us before Mount Sinai, and had not given us the Torah
If He had given us the Torah, and had not brought us into the land of Israel
If He had brought us into the land of Israel, and had not built for us the temple

And what,
you will ask does Dayenu mean?

It would have been enough.

This song, this remembrance is part of the Seder meal
each Passover,
the time of remembering what God has done.
And even in the giving thanks,
there is the whisper of
If this was all he had done,
it would have been enough.

Honestly, it would have,
wouldn't it?

In our own lives

If He had allowed us to be born, and simply allowed us to see His world

If He had saved us, and never done another thing for us

Because if He had simply saved us,
It would have been enough.

But He didn't.

He blesses us far, far more than we could ever imagine.
What a gift.

This has been making me think,
all week.

It would have.

Our God is so generous.

It undoes me.



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