Athanasius asks "How could He have called us if He had not been
crucified, for it is only on the cross that a man dies with His arms
This is God, dying with open arms.
The Jews, confused and
blinded, could not see past the darkness in their own hearts.
Why did He not
free them from their oppressors?
Why was the kingdom He brought about one of
They couldn't bear to see that the real war was over their hearts, that
the conquering king wasn't to fight for victory against fleeting man,
instead over the last and greatest
In His death, the broken
world was atoned for,
and we were given a chance at redemption.
We were given
As we reflect this Advent over
the Word becoming flesh, we cannot allow ourselves to be numbed to the wonder
of the Incarnation.
We do not serve a far off God, or seek blindly for truth
like the world around us.
We are broken,
and yet we are healed.
The great Story is ours;
we have become a part of it.
serve the God who knelt and washed feet,
who died with arms outstretched to the
mocking world.
We are the reason He came.
We are loved.
When faced with that,
what can we say?
What wonderful, upside down story are we now a part of?
As Athanasius
writes in On The Incarnation-
O marvel at
the Love of the Word for man!
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