12 September 2013


Five Minute Friday!!! :)

So often I fall,
and tarnish the name of Christ.

Forgive me Father,
for I have sinned.

Oh Savior,
have mercy on me,
a sinner.

And yet,
Where do I extend this mercy?
I'm far too often quick to seek justice,
look  for wrong to be made right.

Yes, He's a God of justice-
God who makes the broken right-
then these words-

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
    and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

This is my calling- our calling.
to do what is right, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God.

He pours out grace and mercy-
gifts of love,
paid for by blood of Him,
final and perfect sacrifice.

Here- take freely of it.

But O people, as Micah says-
give it. Love it.
Make it the very essence of who you are.

All because of love.




  1. Thank you for sharing at FMF, I was really blessed by your writing. I am the mother of six: five boys, two are teens and one girl who will be 13 in December.
    Keep writing, I wish I had at your age, though I was very spiritually immature and am grateful that my children are leaps and bounds ahead of where I was at their age.

  2. Hi R! I am coming over from FMF.

    I really like your take on mercy, and seeing it both from receiving it, and giving it. I did something like that too. It is one thing to get, but a whole other challenge to give, don't you think? Micah seems to be a theme today! It's a perfect passage for this subject.

    So nice to meet you today!
