26 September 2013


Five Minute Friday!! :)

What is truth?

Pilate, he asks these words of Jesus,
and echoes our heart cry.

What is true?

What is true about God?

What is true about us?

I know what's true about God.

He's always faithful, slow to anger and abounding-
abounding in endless, messy, grace filled love.
He died for my mess because of love.

It's harder to know what's true about me.  Let's be honest-
knowing ourselves for who we really are is hard.
I haven't had so much time to figure that out- I'm in my teens.

But I know this:
I am loved.

I am made to love.

You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength, and all your mind.’ And, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.

That's my calling.

And Jesus?
He's the way, the truth and the life and there is no good outside of Him.

Yeah. That's what I know to be true.



25 September 2013

edelweiss blessing

May the Lord, mighty God,
bless and keep you forever.
Give you peace, perfect peace,
courage in every endeavor.
Lift up your eyes and see His face,
and His grace forever.
May the Lord, mighty God,
bless and keep you forever.

-Edelweiss Blessing

12 September 2013


Five Minute Friday!!! :)

So often I fall,
and tarnish the name of Christ.

Forgive me Father,
for I have sinned.

Oh Savior,
have mercy on me,
a sinner.

And yet,
Where do I extend this mercy?
I'm far too often quick to seek justice,
look  for wrong to be made right.

Yes, He's a God of justice-
God who makes the broken right-
then these words-

No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good,
    and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8

This is my calling- our calling.
to do what is right, to love mercy,
    and to walk humbly with your God.

He pours out grace and mercy-
gifts of love,
paid for by blood of Him,
final and perfect sacrifice.

Here- take freely of it.

But O people, as Micah says-
give it. Love it.
Make it the very essence of who you are.

All because of love.



10 September 2013

I will carry you along and save you

I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you.
Isaiah 46:4

When life is heavy,
and the one foot in front of the other is hard?

Don't be afraid.

Don't stop.

We rest in the assurance that as a mother picks up her baby when he falls in the learning to walk,
so our God will catch us, and hold us until we can stand again.

We are taught to pray
Our Father...

We are taught to pray to the God of the Universe as Father.

A father does not forget his children.

Not today,
not ever.

Nothing escapes Him.

Nothing goes beyond the reach of His love.

Nothing is left uncovered by His grace.

Even in the dark,
He walks along waiting to catch us.

We are His.

Have hope today.



fairy tales

09 September 2013

morning hymn

We thank thee that we have a father, and not a maker; that thou hast begotten us, and not moulded us as images of clay; that we have come forth of thy heart, and have not been fashioned by thy hands. It must be so. Only the heart of a father is able to create. We rejoice in it, and bless thee that we know it. We thank thee for thyself. Be what thou art—our root and life, our beginning and end, our all in all. Come home to us. Thou livest; therefore we live. In thy light we see. Thou art—that is all our song

-Morning Hymn, from The Castle by George Macdonald