03 January 2013

grace upon grace

It's an amazing day out today,
but clear and sunny.
On my way home from chemistry
I could see three different mountain ranges.
And, the ocean.

It was lovely.

I am so enchanted by this earth.

I am so grateful for it.

Yes, it is very broken.
But it is also ever so lovely.
We are told everything He has made is good.
He said it.
It is good.

Sometimes, I get so caught in the broken
I miss the glorious perfection.

It seems like more and more is breaking,
falling apart,
and messy.


He's here, though.
Alive and well.
Granting us the grace of the thousands of gifts!

For from his fullness we have all received,
grace upon grace.
(John 1:16)

Grace upon grace.
It's only a matter of looking.

So maybe,
my goal for this year is to learn to look even harder for the gifts. To learn to lean hard into the broken in order to see Him. To learn to breath thanks into the dark.

And when He grants me an extravagant gift like the beauty of today?

Well, I'll smile, and breathe thanks into the frosty air.



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