So am I.
And its okay.
This crazy peace from the Master of the Universe.
I'm seeing some friends worlds slowly shatter in to a million pieces, and other friends standing and staring at the pieces fallen around them.
Why, God? Why them?
I'm standing, asking, screaming this question to Him.
He has made everything beautiful in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11a)
This is what I hear. It's not an easy truth. I want immediate answers. I want the Why right away.
But I am not God. I don't see all the reasons why He isn't doing something right now. But I trust that it will become beautiful in its time. That is His promise.
So my prayer for you right now is simply peace in the waiting. Peace in the waiting for it to become beautiful. Peace in this dry time for you.
I'm asking. I hope you receive it.
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